Susumu Tanimura
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A Health GIS Scientist and Epidemiologist in the Field of Global Health


Academic Society


Human babies are born equally as human being. In spite of that, the place of birth strongly influences the posterior life of the babies. The disparity in their growth and health levels are produced by the birth place on the earth. I can not connive this unreasonable disparity, especially from the viewpoint of social justice.

Philosophy of my research is that all my efforts lead people in developing countries to the world without the disparity of health. Hoping the result of my research contributes to reduce the disparity, I work in the field of global health (international health). The objectives of the discipline are to clarify to what extend of the disparity of health is admissible, and how to control the disparity.

Based on the context of medical international cooperation, I do research in spatial epidemiology and health policy and planning, applying the theory, methods, technologies of geographic information science as well as computational statistics and simulation. [ read more... ]

Figure Three-dimensional disease mapping for epidemiology created by

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Department of Public Health Nursing
Mie University Graduate School of Medicine
2-174 Edobashi, Tsu, Mie, 514-8507 JAPAN
☎ +81-59-231-5275
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